As soon as I opened this page, my blog started screaming at me...why have you come now you mofo?
January 15!! I am still rubbing my eyes to digest the fact that my last post was more like at the beginning of the year and then this post comes at like what...the end of the year! By the looks of it, I've got some special talent for procrastination.
If I start counting from Jan then I've like jumped into final year in college life, changed hostels(yes!!), got placed, got my ass kicked in more way than one, started writing blog posts during exam time, have reportedly got a chick interested in me which is causing me more embarrassment than joy and I've become the Big Daddy in!! All this seems so unreal when I come to think about it.
They say life never remains the same and I'm only realizing the full meaning of this line said by someone who had no business other than passing philosophical gyan! The days, rather months I should say have just passed me by without me realizing the fact that times running out in Allahabad. May sound clichéd coming out of someone in final year in college but trust me the sinking feeling of moving on from my Alma Matter has started setting in. And the feeling does not bring any sort of joy with it.
One of the many booze nights that I've enjoyed in all these years in college, the one at KS stands out in more ways than one. Though all booze and binge nights are special...for the uninitiated, you are are missing out on some major fun! Coming back to the night at KS...we didn't exactly have people throw up but fun was on display in some new found avatars. Guys didn't mind being insulted, leave out Zuheb here..he doesn't need to be drinking to be insulted :P There was bhaigiri stuff(tu mera bhai hai and all) practised brilliantly by Mallu but this time it was Bhavani doing the needful and that did surprise me at the start. Fags are enough to get Mallu high but then Bhavani was high too..may be the occasion got to him but whatever it was it did lead to some really funny scenes. After 26 toasts for Bhavani(you heard that right,26!) there were tears for friendship, tears for love, abuses for some people left heartbroken in love and for those who were still left out...they had single malt to worry about. Bartenders in Allahabad are called Captain it turns out...surprised? So was I and more startling is the fact that Zuheb had nothing better to do so he started calling them Captain Saab! Trust Zuheb to come up with such bullshit anytime. He specializes in the art of vomiting crap.
Moving out for dinner,single malts continued pouring and bhai-chara reached it's crescendo. Choicest expletives were reserved for the fully deserving and poetic lines just flowed out like the single malts I just mentioned. And the bill made the night all the more special when we discovered that we had gulped down and torn into booze and chicken almost worth the salary of the executive of some big shot company. Special night indeed!
Hopefully many more such nights in store considering the fact the fun has just started :) I have an extra incentive for writing this because may be I'll be more regular with my blog visits so that the next time I open this page I do not have some shmuck shouting mofo at me.
P.S 1: Zuheb please don't mind buddy after all tu mera bhai hai :)
P.S 2: Mallu,dude stop drinking and smoking right away. Tu mera bhai hai issliye bol raha hu.
P.S 3: @All...I'm not treating you people at KS for sure. Not even anywhere close to that.
P.S 4: Whose ordering pizza tonight? Not me.
1. You're embarrassed coz of ur relationship? stop bluffing.
ReplyDelete2. Stop this bullshit about drinking... Were you high when you wrote this post? Stop drinking man.
3. Nikhil and Bhavani: ....
4. Where's ur job treat??
Me getting high by a few puffs is utter blasphemy!!..I am the one who plays a lead role in entertaining you all, not that I get high!!..
ReplyDelete@Nikhil: #@$%!#$@ .... Tu mera bhai hai... ;)
ReplyDeleteWell is that what we call "Back with a bang!" ? ;)
ReplyDeleteIn more ways than one(leaving aside the KS night), the pizzas we ordered may truly make a skyscraper and the heck load fun we have almost everyday and even during the period when everyone in our wing was taking to bed, the manner we raced through the nights and days sets more than an example...i'm gonna miss my college days(oh darn! der's one more sem 2 go...sheesh!)
P.S. Good one Nitish. May the next one be around the corner.
@Mitesh...I do not drink I am teetotaler in every sense of the word..stop tearing my rep to shreds.
ReplyDeleteJob treat is round the corner, have patience coz I do not want u to rush back to Darejeeling anytime soon.
this post reminded me of the gud ol' college days man.....everybody getting high and all that bhaichaara flowing with the alcohol...
ReplyDeleteDude, u have a flair for try to be more regular in this (I guess its a bit irony coming from me.. ;) )
@Nikhil..fuck off dude..getting high and then leading teh way is what we let u do..stop taking credit for that..I won't have any second thoughts about slapping you the nest time you get high :)
ReplyDelete@Bhavani..dude..we'll miss each and every bit of every second of college..God!!
@Ashwin..flair probably yes...actually we've got ct's around and all creative ideas seem to just rush out when you have exams on ur head :)'s not a relationship..not even close to that..just that some chick in college you don't know abt. Just her fantasy!! Nitish is hard to convince and even harder to get :) :)