Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gnosiomania. Is that a word? No! It's a celebration.

Gnosiomania. That's the biggest knowledge fest of Asia hosted by the Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. In my four years of tryst with destiny as I would like to believe with Gnosio, never have I come across passions and emotions as wild as the ones witnessed during the latest edition of this big daddy of all quizzing fests anywhere on the planet. Already having registered itself in the Limca Book of Record for having the maximum number of questions asked during a single college fest of over 48 hours of non-stop quizzing extravaganza I might be permitted to assume that we achieved something great that is probably not going to be matched anytime soon. When I say we, it's a distinguished company of people with a desire and passion for quizzing and their never ending quest for achieving greatness.  

Ever since my 1st year days in college I dreamt of being the winner on that sacred stage, fighting it out with the very best that India had to offer, straining every neurotic muscle that traversed my brain looking for "that" bloody answer that would make me and my comrades immortal in the MNNIT folklore. Boy, it happened this time! Sick and tired of being so close and yet so far in the previous editions. Sick and tired of Zuhaib sticking his tongue out every single day of my life ridiculing me for my enforced absence from the sports quiz last year. Sick and tired of waiting for my moment under the sun. Sick and tired of waiting to see the dream come true. Come February 4th 2011, it was time to set the record straight. It was one last shot at glory. It was one last shot at immortality. 

This blog post is not about the quizzes we won or the manner in which we won as some might have believed looking at the previous lines. It's about everything that happened after the dust had settled down on three crazy days of mind-bending, nerve wracking search for answers that would lead me to reflect on my four years of romance with Gnosio. 

For a start, I would like to express my gratitude to Zuhaib for being my partner in crime for all these years. For sharing the highs and lows, for ridiculing me every single day of the last year, for making me hate him so much that if I was granted leniency for one crime that I could commit I would have fancied murdering him! Buddy, this college needs you to keep the passion going, you're the greatest quizzer I've met in my entire quizzing life! It was an absolute honour and delight to have quizzed with you. Sharing the classics and gudangs at daddu after every elims, going weak on our knees gazing at Remya Murleedharan, making Avinash Mudaliar the butt of all our jokes. I'm gonna miss all of this now that it's all over for me. 

Thank you Hemant and Dileep from the time of our first quiz together in 1st year to the last in final year. Thank you Shetty, Rathore (for your GPRS lifeline), Apurv, Karwa, Prady, Ojas and I might be missing some names here pardon me for my naiveness. The list would be incomplete without mentioning my awesome juniors and wingies Apurv, Gaurang and Siddhant. You guys are on the highway to hell! The biggest travesty would be if I forgot to mention Ali, Bhavani, DSingh and Mallu for the trips to Sher-e-Punjab in the aftermath of our homecoming :) 

Zuhaib with his time alone exemplified the rush of emotions brimming up a storm in the grey matter that the moment had brought us. The never ending hugs and high-fives that displayed the kind of desperateness of how badly we wanted this Gnosio to be ours. The feeling of emptiness on the following Monday when we slept our asses off not caring for a thing in this world knowing fully well that we had been through something great and no one could deny us our place in history of Gnosio. The commitments that I've since made to Zuhaib to come back next year to nail the holy grail of sports quiz that was so cruelly taken away from us in the shape of cricket quiz are yet to be fulfilled but as long as I have life and there's blood in my system no one can deny me the reunification chance with Zuhaib. 

P.S : Treats follow this blog post :)


  1. Really like the P.S :D
    And Dempo.. U Rock!

  2. @Mitesh....thanks man that was flattering ;) yeah and I intend keeping my promise for sure :)

  3. Your scientific name aint a mere 'homo-sapien' are quizzissus icredibulus!

  4. @Nikhil..I have no clue as to where you got that scientific term from but whatever, thanks for Phil Emery...I hope you remember that ;)
